Revolutionizing the FAST Sector: The AI-Driven Path to Profitability with GaiMIFIED TV

Joe Ward, Founder of EDGE Video
2 min readMar 3, 2023


As the Free Ad Support TV (FAST) sector continues to grow, companies are searching for ways to stand out and engage with viewers. The integration of AI with edge technology is revolutionizing the way we consume and interact with TV content. When we know a user is connected via a second screen, and our systems are looking at the content of the stream, Edge’s network can enable live video search, push notifications, and gamification based on the personalities, brands, topics, and brands in the video content.

GaiMIFIED TV, developed by Edge Video and powered by Open AI’s gamification technology, is at the forefront of this revolution. By adding gamified challenges, quizzes, and interactive games to live and VOD content, GaiMIFIED TV transforms the viewing experience, making it more engaging and interactive for viewers. And with the integration of AI with edge technology, GaiMIFIED TV is taking viewer engagement to the next level.

Edge’s network enables live video search, allowing viewers to find and engage with content in real-time. Push notifications keep viewers informed of new content and updates, ensuring they never miss out on the latest news or entertainment. And gamification based on the personalities, topics, and brands in the video content keeps viewers engaged and entertained, leading to a significant increase in the time they spend watching content.

By leveraging AI with edge technology, GaiMIFIED TV is leading the way in viewer engagement and revenue growth for the FAST sector. With its innovative approach to gamification and its ability to significantly increase the time viewers spend watching content, GaiMIFIED TV represents a game-changing opportunity for investors and companies in this space.

Investors looking to capitalize on the growth of the FAST sector should take note of the power of AI with edge technology and the potential it offers for companies in this space. With GaiMIFIED TV, the integration of AI with edge technology is unlocking new revenue streams and creating new opportunities for viewer engagement.

#FASTsector #GaiMIFIEDTV #GamifiedTV #EdgeVideo #OpenAI #AItechnology #AutomatedGamification #InteractiveTV #TVEntertainment #RevolutionaryTechnology #NewWayToWatchTV #FutureOfTV #InnovativeCollaboration #Profitability #InvestmentOpportunity #EngagedViewers #AdRevenue #MarketLeader



Joe Ward, Founder of EDGE Video

33 years in media & technology, serial entrepreneur. IAM Media Top 300 IP Strategist 2021 in US. Joe is the founder and CEO of Edge Video.