EDGE Streaming — Save on Live Video Bandwidth

Joe Ward, Founder of EDGE Video
1 min readJan 30, 2023


Edge (peer-to-peer) streaming saves on bandwidth by utilizing the computing resources and bandwidth of viewers themselves to deliver video content. Instead of having all of the video data being delivered from a central server, the Edge Streaming Platform uses peer-to-peer (P2P) technology to distribute the data. This means that the video content is delivered directly from one viewer to another, with each viewer contributing a portion of their bandwidth to help deliver the content to other viewers.

By leveraging the collective resources of viewers, the Edge Streaming Platform reduces the amount of bandwidth needed from the central server, which can save on bandwidth costs. Additionally, because the content is being delivered directly from other viewers, there is less latency, which results in a smoother and more seamless viewing experience.

In summary, Edge (peer-to-peer) streaming saves on bandwidth by utilizing the computing resources and bandwidth of viewers to distribute video content, reducing the amount of bandwidth needed from the central server and resulting in a more efficient and cost-effective video streaming solution.

#EdgeStreaming #P2P #BandwidthSavings #ViewerContributedResources #LatencyReduction.



Joe Ward, Founder of EDGE Video

33 years in media & technology, serial entrepreneur. IAM Media Top 300 IP Strategist 2021 in US. Joe is the founder and CEO of Edge Video.